Privacy Policy is dedicated to protecting consumer privacy on the Internet. Our practices are consistent with privacy guidelines established by does not require any personal information to obtain access to our website. does require limited personal information including name and mailing address from individuals wishing to join as members. Additional information such as e-mail address and phone number may also be requested so that we can contact members in a timely manner on issues related to our mission.
You will only receive e-mail from us if you request to be added to our e-mail list. You may revise or remove your e-mail address from our site at any time. uses "cookie" technology to obtain non-personal information from our online visitors, such as browser/computer type, number of visitors, and site usage. We do not use cookies to extract personal information.
Our website contains links to other sites, but does not necessarily advocate, support or condone the privacy practices or content of these websites. makes all information received from our online visitors as secure as possible against unauthorized access and use. All information is protected by state-of-the-art security technology. respects the individual privacy rights and concerns of visitors to our website. We support meaningful self-regulation of the Internet to ensure that responsible organizations maintain the right to use all communications media to interact with the public.